Tuesday, May 1, 2012

 For my New Testament class, we do a Share and Report assignment every week. This week I decided to do it as a blog entry, and on the miracles Jesus preformed, and to share who demonstrated faith in the story.

Reference                    Miracle of the Lord                                        Who Demonstrated Faith

Matthew 8:1-4             Healed the leper                                                The leper

Matthew 8:5-13           Healed the centurion's servant                          The centurion

Matthew 8:14-15         Healed Peter's mother-in-law of a fever            Peter's mother-in-law

Matthew 8:16              Cast out devils and healed the sick                    Jesus

Matthew 8:23-27         Calmed the storm at sea                                    Jesus

Matthew 8:28-34         Cast devils out of 2 men into a herd of swine   Jesus

Matthew 9:20-22;
Mark 5:25-34              Woman healed of her blood disease by             Sick woman
                                     touching Jesus's cloak

Matthew 9:27              Two blind men healed                                       Blind men

Mark 2:1-12                Man healed of his palsy while other                  Sick man
                                     men questioned Jesus' power

This is quite incredible; and it isn't even all the miracles Jesus preformed. I have never studied His miracles so closely as this, and it is amazing to know what He did while he lived on this earth. It also makes me think of how wrong it was that people accused Him and wanted Him to die for breaking the law. He is the true Lamb of God, pure, clean, and holy. Being as pure as He was, he had to be the sacrifice for all of mankind.  It is very humbling to know what he did for me, and for us as a people. I love Him, and hope that I can be more like Him.

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