Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Destruction of the Jerusalem Temple

The Second Coming of Christ; What do these two pictures have in common?

The Following is a chart of the Events 
and promises to the righteous according
to Christ when the Temple of Jerusalem
will be destroyed, and of His Second 
Coming;found in Joseph Smith-Matthew 
in the Pearl of Great Price.

Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem (JS-M 1:5-20) The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (JS-M 1:21-55)
Events to occur JS-M 1:6; False Christ's will deceive many. JS-M 1:22; "there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets.. Who shall deceive"

JS-M 1:8; Many will be offended and will betray and hate one another, JS-M 1:23 Wars and rumors of wars

JS-M 1:10; Iniquity and sin will be stronger than love. JS-M 1:26. The elect from all over the world will come together.

JS-M 1:29;   Nations and kingdoms will fight against each other and there will be famines, earthquakes, and pestilence.

JS-M 1:30; There will be no love or charity those of the world.

JS-M 1:33. The Sun will darken and the moon will give off no light. Stars will fall from heaven and the powers of heaven will shake.

JS-M 1:36; Christ shall come through clouds in heaven with all His power and glory.

JS-M 1:37; The rest of the elect will be gathered to Him.

Promises to the Righteous
JS-M 1:11; Those who remain steadfast and strong, will be saved in the end. JS-M 1:29; The elect will be gathered together.

JS-M 1:12; Those standing in holy places will be saved. JS-M 1:30; Those who are not overcome by iniquity will be saved.

JS-M 1:37; The remainder of the elect will be gathered once He has descended from Heaven.

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