Wednesday, June 27, 2012

In my New Testament Class this week, I decided to study the The Parable of the Ten Virgins found in Matthew 25:1-13.
The Parable of the Ten Virgins
 The following are the questions I was provided with to answer, followed by the answer found in the scriptures, or teachings in the Institute Manual given by Harold B Lee.
1. Who does the Bridegroom represent? The Savior of all Mankind
2. Who do the virgins represent? They are the professed believers in Christ
3. Why did the bridegroom come at midnight while the weddings guests 'slumbered and slept'? How does this apply to the Savior's Second Coming? To test their loyalty and love. This applies to us because he could come at any day, so we need to be ready, everyday for His coming.
4. What did five of the virgins do that was foolish? How might a church member today make the same error as the foolish virgins? What would the consequences be? The 5 foolish virgins did not prepare their lamps to last a long time. A church member today could not gain their own testimony that will last them through their trials, and not have the necessary faith the believe in Him. The consequences will be as is said in Revelations, "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." We need to be totally entrusted in the Lord, pick a side, or we will be cast away.
5. What should we learn from the actions of the five wise virgins? We can learn to be unceasingly watchful and prepare for His coming. by building our own testimonies and helping to strengthen others.
6. What are some ways we can add 'oil' to our 'lamps'? We can work on our spirituality every day to draw closer to Heavenly Father. This can be done especially by doing service for others.

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